Expired! Bronchitis / 1998
● Comments and answers received in response to the SWAB-guidelines for Antimicrobiële therapie bij thuis opgelopen pneumonie en bij nosocomiale – Juli 1998 (publicatie NTvG)
● SWAB-guidelines Antimicrobiële therapie bij volwassenen met bronchitis in het ziekenhuis – November 1998 (publicatie NTvG)
Expired! Thuis-opgelopen pneumonie / 2005
● SWAB-guidelines publication in NTvG for antimicrobiële therapie bij thuis opgelopen pneumonie – November 2005 (publicatie NTvG)
● SWAB-guidelines for antimicrobial therapy of Community-acquired pneumonia – April 2005 – ENG
The major goal of the Dutch Working Party on Antibiotic Policy (Dutch acronym is SWAB) is to contribute to the containment of the development of antimicrobial resistance and of the expanding costs of the use of antibiotics. This is achieved by optimizing the use of antibiotics by means of guideline development, education and antibiotic resistance surveillance.
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